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labor defender造句

  • Marlette learned more about his family when a cousin approached him at a book signing in Charlotte and gave him a copy of " The Burlington Dynamite Plot, " a faded political pamphlet printed in the 1930s by the Labor Defender in New York.
  • James P . Cannon was formally named as National Secretary of the ILD at its founding convention, with his factional associates Martin Abern tapped as Assistant National Secretary and Max Shachtman named as editor of the new group's official magazine, " Labor Defender ."
  • He edited " Labor Defender ", a journal of International Labor Defense, which he made the first photographic magazine on the U . S . left . As editor of " Labor Defender " he fought to save anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti from execution, speaking at street-corner meetings that were broken up again and again by police.
  • He edited " Labor Defender ", a journal of International Labor Defense, which he made the first photographic magazine on the U . S . left . As editor of " Labor Defender " he fought to save anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti from execution, speaking at street-corner meetings that were broken up again and again by police.
  • He  worked for the " Labor Defender " ( the publication of the Party-led International Labor Defense ) and also assisted as circulation manager of the " Daily Worker ",  on which limited credentials ( and a reputation as a midwestern radical ) he was hired as managing editor at the " New Masses " and made the move from " Chicago " to " New York ".
  • It's difficult to see labor defender in a sentence. 用labor defender造句挺难的
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